
Atabularlistofalllanguageelements(commands,functions,controlflowstatements,etc.)availableinAutoHotkey,includingtheirdescription.,3-Sendingkeystrokes·!:SendstheALTkey.·+:SendstheSHIFTkey.·^:SendstheCONTROL(Ctrl)key.·#:SendstheWINkey(thekeywiththeWindowslogo) ...,2017年3月27日—AutoHotKeyRunWindowsCommands...IsthereawaytorunWindowscommandlinecommandsinAutoHotKeywithoutjustopeningacommandpromptand...

Alphabetical Command and Function Index

A tabular list of all language elements (commands, functions, control flow statements, etc.) available in AutoHotkey, including their description.

AutoHotkey Beginner Tutorial

3 - Sending key strokes ·!: Sends the ALT key. · +: Sends the SHIFT key. · ^: Sends the CONTROL (Ctrl) key. · #: Sends the WIN key (the key with the Windows logo) ...

AutoHotKey Run Windows Commands

2017年3月27日 — AutoHotKey Run Windows Commands ... Is there a way to run Windows command line commands in AutoHotKey without just opening a command prompt and ...

Beginner Tutorial

Learn how to download and install AutoHotkey, to create a script, to use hotkeys and hotstrings, to send keystrokes, to run programs, etc.

Hotkey - Syntax & Usage

The Hotkey command creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running.

Hotkeys (Mouse, Controller and Keyboard Shortcuts)

The Hotkey command can also modify, disable, or enable the script's existing hotkeys individually. Controller hotkeys do not currently support modifier prefixes ...

How to Use AutoHotkey

2023年8月31日 — Click AutoHotkey Script. 4. Right-click the script icon and select Edit Script. 5. Enter the code for the keyboard shortcut followed by two ...

Scripting Language

A command is an instruction to carry out a specific predefined action. Command may also refer to a specific predefined action, such as MsgBox. The set of ...

Using the Program

Run a Script · Double-click a script file (or shortcut to a script file) in Explorer. · Call AutoHotkey.exe on the command line and pass the script's filename as ...

Using the Program

Run a Script · Double-click a script file (or shortcut to a script file) in Explorer. · Call AutoHotkey.exe on the command line and pass the script's filename as ...